I discovered a platform where you can buy or try something in exchange for free products. Exciting, right? You buy something and get another for free!
Is TrialPay a Scam? If not, is it a good deal?
Let’s find out!
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TrialPay Review
- Product Name: TrialPay
- Website: www.trialpay.com
- Price: It depends on each offer
- Money Making Strategy: Offers (not money but freebies)
What is TrialPay?
TrialPay is defined as an innovative payment platform. It was launched back in 2006 and allows people to pay for products by trying or buying other stuff online.
Visa acquired the platform in 2015, and according to the company’s co-founder Alex Rampell, it has been responsible for tens of millions of transactions. Their first client was Winzip, a program that decompresses files in your computer.
Looking back to history, we can see that this platform has been very successful in achieving its own goals.
In the next section, I will explain the whole process and show you some examples.
How Does it Work?
According to the About page, TrialPay makes transactions more valuable. They are using the concept of paid offers, but instead of paying in cash, they are rewarding people with free products or discounts.
For example, let’s say you want to buy the Winzip software. You visit their website and see that it costs $29.95. BUT you also notice that you can get Winzip for free if you accept an offer using TrialPay.
This offer will say to you – Hey, Do you want a 1-year Winzip subscription for free? Buy from Gap, Netflix, ProFlowers and many other merchants!
After the transaction, TrialPay will earn a commission from the advertisers and pay for your Winzip subscription or another product. It’s a triple win situation! Both companies are increasing sales and you are getting a free product.
Be Careful With Offers!
When you choose your product, the offers will become available on the right-hand side.
You can find offers that require a onetime payment or a monthly subscription. In the last case, it is important to know that if you cancel your order, they reserve the right to discontinue access to your free product.
So, take extreme caution while accepting offers only to get a free product. You don’t want to be attached to any monthly subscription, as it may cost you more money than the product itself.
I found one very cheap offer that requires a purchase of 100 Business Cards for £1.99. There was also a free offer from Swagbucks that requires you to earn 500 points in 90 days.
It’s important to mention that you need to be a new customer to get accepted for an offer. So, if you already have a Willian Hill Account, for example, and make a £10 deposit, you will not be qualified for your freebie.
Bottom Line – Is TrialPay a Scam?
No. TrialPay is not a scam in my opinion. However, as I already said in many other reviews, you need to be careful when completing offers for cash or freebies. Always make sure you read the terms and conditions and keep track of all the transactions.

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Verdict: Legit
My #1 Strategy To Make Money Online
If you are serious about making money online, I suggest you be the owner of your own online business.
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